Guerlain, Miss Hana, Chanel |
Period covered: 3 - 9 August
Giveaway - link! - ending today!!
I feel bad not writing more for the blog this week. A finished fortnight post is due this week, but I haven't get around filling in the words - pictures are done though - I'll try to get it done tomorrow or early next week... My excuse for being absent, first, I've been under flu attack. My sister passed it to Mr A in a hot pot meal the week before last (yes mid-Summer hot pot), then Mr A, of course, passed it along to me. I'm now 90% done with the virus, but stuck in a lot of unfinished business regarding several different matters, one of which is my wedding. Surprise! No. o_0
The Week in Acquisition
{ {{ {{{ Expand and Explore More! }}} }} }