Last week, at my 31 week check-up, my doctor said I have gained too much weight in too short a period of time; about 3 kg over 5 weeks. She advised me to lower my carbohydrates intake, and avoid sugar/sweets as much as possible. I used to eat couple packets or bars of chocolate daily for the past few weeks, so this is kind of expected. It has been a week now, and for me, this 'diabetes' diet has been slightly annoying but not unbearable. I stopped drinking regular sodas totally, halved my sugar in tea or other beverages, and only limit myself to one piece of chocolate per day.
My doctor also advised me to do a certain exercise 5 minutes every day and night, in order to facilitate Monkey to turn himself head-down (the 'right' position). Basically I have to do this quite tiring, though simple, posture before bed, and after I wake up.
**Roma is totally expressing my feeling right now, barely hanging there...
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