身為一位不專業的 beauty blogger。請容許我把我自拍的造型(主要是髮妝)放在最前。因為,確實,我頗久沒有看見自己[給別人畫的!]漂亮的妝容而心動過了!
這篇文主要是小小分享一下上星期在台中 Masalili 的婚紗攝影小紀錄…等下會說說造型/感受等等…最後給讀者分享萬中無一,Mr. A 和我的婚照一張。(其實還有一張側拍)
First of all, my non-HK readers may or may not be used to this whole 'pre-wedding' photo-shooting culture. I know there are people who do not officially dress in wedding gowns before the actual wedding, and people who take engagement photos which isn't exactly the same as the local 'pre-wedding' thing... In my mum's days, she and my dad would go to a studio, mostly indoor, and take a set of still images of her in white gown, him in formal suit. Nowadays, people go everywhere and dress in everything... I won't go into too much depth into that.
Long story short, Mr. A and I decided that we would go on a week-long holiday to Taiwan with 1 full day dedicated to the shooting (there's also consultation and photo-picking sessions before and after). We chose the company Masalili based on a lot of comparisons, with reference to a lot of other customer reviews and samples. This post is mainly focusing on my make up looks (this is a beauty blog, after all), with a gift-with-reading of preview pictures of me and Mr. A. (His real face!!!)
我和 Mr. A 倆不算是很難服侍的類型,我對衣服和髮型的要求[非常]普通,簡單舒服即可;只是對妝容有些要求…([假大眼][老成成熟][皮膚觀感粗糙暗啞][不像我自己]-> NG)。Mr. A 的要求更簡單,只要我開心他就開心,只要拍的我漂亮,他又不醜就好!(其實是很高要求!?)
最後,詢問過三數間台灣的攝影價錢,服務明細,而且參考過網友的評語等,我們選定了台中做基地的 Masalili。他們的線上客服態度一流,網頁上的樣板很多(題外話:請不要把我倆的上載…[[羞]]),收費列明的清清楚楚,而且還安排了住宿…想不到缺點!
話不多,但手很巧,化得我很滿意的 Apple |
造型師 Apple@Masalili
Make up and hair artist Apple styled me for the shoot. Basically I wore five different outfits that day, and I had different accessories, hair and make up to go with each look. She uses a mixture of different brands with a lot of limited edition (LE) MAC items - which is exciting! We had a short discussion on what look I like and dislike on me, and I told her specifically that I want "thicker brows" and "elongated eyes". The outcome is indeed what I wanted, so pleasantly surprised!
I jotted down almost every product she used on me and now I want to purchase quite a few of them... If you aren't interested in the make up bits, feel free to scroll down for the pictures!
1. First of all, Apple applied with a brand new sponge (note: sweet gesture) Media Make Up Base "Peach" (product link), all over my skin. She didn't actually use any foundation, but conceal small and large areas with Meiko Naturactor Cover Face "130" (product link), a highly pigmented cover-up. It looks scarily pink and pale in the pan but blended out and oxidised a bit, on camera, it looks perfect. Base was set with MAC Mineralize Skinfinish "Light" with a brush.
My request of "thick brows" were achieved by Kate Designing Eyebrow (product link) and a Chic Choc brow pencil. I love how my brows look very much! Then she went ahead and applied falsies with added layers on the outer corners (fulfilling the "elongated eyes"!). For eye shadow she placed MAC Metal-X Cream Eyeshadow "Palladium" on my lower lash line. MAC Eyeshadow "Omega" and "Showstopper" were used to contour my socket and define my eyes. Heroine Make Mascara S was applied on my top and bottom lashes. Finally, cheeks were added a sweet flush with MAC "Peony Petal", and shaded with "Personal Style". Lip colour was combo of a natural and a bright pink - I forgot to look up their names.
2. & 3. Basically the same as #1 except that lip colour was tuned down to more nude pink with a layer of MAC Cremesheen Lipstick "Innocence Beware" (limited edition, Temptalia's link). I have this shade myself and I can't wait to try it out again by myself - putting this on top of a brighter pink creates a very yummy milky pink that flatters my complexion!
4. As a few looks were changed at the castle site, I chose to re-touched my own make up and switch up my lip colours accordingly. In this outfit I wore a medium/dark pink with a hint of lilac, Media Moist Essence Rouge "RS-2". I also cleaned up some liner/mascara smudges with cotton buds under my eyes as my eyes were watering crazily under the bright sunlight. While we were at the castle, Jason the photographer styled my hair and changed up the accessories, as Apple didn't come along~
5. Touch up and change look quite dramatically for a 'vintage' inspired look. Face with more MAC MSF "Light". Eye shadow MAC Mineralize "This & That" (limited edition, Temptalia's link) was used to highlight my lids and brow bone. Some black gel liner smudged out with a MAC dark eyeshadow created my winged eyes. To be honest, I usually prefer my wings to be angled differently than how Apple did it, but that's still fine - it doesn't look as bad as I thought in the photos! My lips were filled in with a bright orange-red matte lipstick, a MAC Mattene Lipstick, probably something like "Classic Dame" (limited edition, Temptalia's link).
- 拍照前一天的挑衣服的試衣間非常寬闊,又有沙發給 Mr. A 坐著等:很喜歡~
- 整個公司面積很大,在裡面感覺很舒服。
- 拍攝當天有美味的三文治+飲料午餐;有特別地道的便餐(我的好像是紅燒牛肉)做晚飯~整天沒有餓肚子!
- 外景很多蚊子,太陽很毒;一度把我情緒弄得很低落,幸好專業的 Jason + 純非常耐心的指導拍攝。Mr. A 定必很感激他們的溫柔,把他哄我的工作難度降低了不少~
- Jason的專業程度令 Mr. A 念念不忘:他手背黏滿黑蚊子的時候,完全沒有抖,依然認真穩定地拿著相機!
- 童話城堡這個景點不錯不錯,不用走很多路就有很多不同的背景和角度:非常適合懶人我倆。
- [純]不停地提醒 Mr. A{靓仔,下巴推(出一點)}{老公,吳好假笑啊}--笑死我 XD
- 雖然 Apple千叮萬囑我要小心撕出幫 nu bra 定位的膠帶,但我仍然很粗心大意的撕掉了一小塊皮。[教訓:請千萬相信造型師的專業意見!]
瑪莎 lili 要繼續努力加油!
努力練習廣東話的[純] |
by 攝影師 Jason |
Which was your favourite look? Do you have this 'pre-wedding' shoot culture at your place? Tell me!
Beautiful wishes,
Lazy silly Jacq :")
Beautiful wishes,
Lazy silly Jacq :")