Earlier in May, during the 'Mother's Day sale', a couple of my friends and I made an order from the Prof. TK Taiwan web-store. I took advantage of the 50% off all Mandelic Acid line, and get one of each from that series; I also shared two big boxes of bio-cellulose mask with girlfriend A, resulting in a few kilo of supply and a more-than-adequate stash of gift with purchases. Every full size product ordered came with a tiny sample size, for testing of allergy reaction, before you whack open the big bottle - I find this approach very humane and reasonable. Win-win for the store and the customer, isn't it?
This is a short post listing what I've got and the first impression of the two masks.
台灣品牌<楊登貴教授>(其實就是 Prof TK :P)母親節推出了一堆優惠。
想知道我和我的女友們總共花了多少錢,手滑了些什麼,請移玉步到 Honor 的部落格~
Bio-Cellulose Mask Review
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